This is the Fanlistings Network approved fanlisting for the Greek goddess Pallas Athena, who is also known as Athena, Athene, and Pallas Athene. This fanlisting is also for Minerva, the Roman goddess who became identified with Athena.

According to TFL.org, a fanlisting is "a web clique that lists fans of a particular subject. Unlike most web cliques, a person does not need a web site in order to join. Fans from around the world submit their information to their approved fanlisting and they are then listed to show their love for the subject."

Athena is my favorite mythological goddess, so I'm very happy to be running this fanlisting. I've always been attracted to very strong, intelligent females, so it's no surprise that my favorite goddess would be one of both war and wisdom. I admire her, and though she has flaws (like all the Greek gods and goddesses), I find her absolutely fascinating, and I love all the myths and stories in which she appears.

The current layout, version two, features a painting by Bernard Picart, et. al., called "Pallas and Envy." It was designed in Paint Shop Pro and handcoded in Editpad, and it is W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional compliant. The members script is powered by Enthusiast.

Members Award


About the Fanlisting Pallas Athena Rules for Joining Join the Fanlisting Update Your Information Codes for Websites Fans of Athena Links Main Wisdom and Strength